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NCPP Information

NCPP Information

Welcome to the 2023-24 school year at the North Canton Primary Preschool (NCPP). The staff and I are looking forward to seeing our  students and families!  Open House will be on August 31 from 4:30p.m.-6:30p.m.  Please bring your child's school supplies at that time.  Your teacher will be sharing important program and classroom information with you.


Parent drop off and pick up information

Doors open for drop off and pick up at the following times:
AM SESSION 9:10 a.m. and 11:50 a.m. 

Enter and exit Door # 1 with doors open at 9:00 a.m. You must bring the orange name placard given to you in your information packet to pick up your child in the car line or at the door.

PM SESSION 1:10 p.m. and 3:50 p.m.

Enter through Door #1 with doors open at 1:00 p.m. For PM parent pickup, please find a parking spot in the front row and go to Door #2. You must bring the orange name placard given to you in your information packet to pick up your child in the car line or at the door.

If you drop off in the car line, please enter the parking lot (via Hillcrest Ave.) and follow the path provided to keep as many cars off of public roadways. 

website picture9

Principal and Teacher Communication with Families
The only hard copy letter mailed home is a July information letter. It is extremely important that the email you provided us at your child's registration day for our database system is one that you will check every Friday after 4:00 p.m. We do not mail home newsletters or other letters of information to parents during the school year. The principal and the teachers use email to send out a weekly update to keep you informed about what the children are currently doing in the classrooms and any upcoming school events. If we place any information in your child's daily take-home folder we will notify you in the Friday emails. Please call the office if you have any questions regarding your email listed in our district database.

School Closing Notifications
You will not be notified by the NCPP if school is canceled or delayed. If there is ever a decision to cancel or delay the start of school, the Superintendent will inform the community, families, and staff. The local television and radio stations will be notified and our District Phone Messenger System will call and notify the parents by using the phone number that is on file in our district database. Call Mrs. Hill (330-497-5608) if you have questions regarding the phone number that is listed for your family in our district database.

The NCPP Website provides the following information:
1. NCPP Program Overview
2  Early Learning Assessment Information
3. Overview of Tuition and Attendance
4. Resources
5. School Supply List

6. Staff Directory 
7. Tuition and Fees Info 
8. NCPP Parent Handbook 
9. HealthChek Information (see below) 

HealthChek Information
Preschool programs are required to provide information from Healthchek for all families. Healthchek is Ohio's Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Program. It is a service package for babies, kids, and young adults younger than age 21 who are enrolled in Ohio Medicaid. The link to the Healthchek website and information regarding preschool programs can be found under the Healthcheck Information To Families tab 
on the NCPP webpage.

Calling your child off school
Please call (330) 497-5645 if your child will not be at school. If you leave a message on our answering machine please provide your name, child's name, and the reason for the absence.

Appropriate Attire for Preschool
The children are physically active at the ECC. In addition to our physical education classes the children also play on our indoor and outdoor playground equipment every day. We are fortunate in that we can provide large motor development all year long regardless of the weather. Please consider the following suggestions:
1. No heeled shoes, sandals, or flip flops
2. Wear shoes and socks. Send your child with a coat, mittens, and hat every day during the cold weather. Wear comfortable clothes that may get dirty or stained.

Emergency Child Pick Up
Please make sure that the person you have listed as an emergency pick-up is willing and available to come get your child in case of an emergency or illness.
**Always call ahead if someone new is picking up your child for any reason.

NCPP Facebook Page
Please follow us on Facebook by searching North Canton Primary School and "like us." We post pictures each week for the families to enjoy!

Activities and Events
You will be given detailed information in the Principal's weekly emails regarding times and dates prior to any activities or events at the NCPP. Please note that activities/events may be added or removed so it is very, very important to read the weekly emails for any changes or additions!

Monthly Tuition Payments
If you send the tuition payment via your child's backpack (this is how most families pay tuition) please put your tuition payment in the Tuition Payment Envelope we will give to you at Open House. If you do not use this envelope, we cannot guarantee that your payment has been received. You may also mail your tuition payment (no cash please). Our address is 

200 Charlotte Street NW, North Canton, Ohio 44720.

Office Information
The NCPP office hours are 7:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. The office is closed from 12 noon to 1:00 p.m.
Phone Number: (330) 497-5645
Fax Number: (330) 966-0703 (please call and notify the office if you send us a fax)

NCPP Supply List
Please bring these items when you come to Open House or on your child’s first day of attendance.

A change of clothing consisting of socks, undergarments, pants and a shirt should be sent in for your child in the event of spills or other accidents. Please label your child's clothing with a permanent marker. Place the clothing in a Ziploc bag and label the bag with your child's name.  Diapers and wipes must be supplied if your child is not toilet trained.

A backpack and please label the front of the backpack with your child's name. The school will provide a folder for papers that is sent home to parents in the backpack each day. Please use the folder when sending notes or fees to school. The Tuition Payment Envelope should remain in the folder at all times.

Required Classroom Supply List
Glue Stick    
Paper plates (all sizes)
Water Paints
Pip Squeak markers
Paper towels    
Dauber/Dot markers
1 Dry Erase marker (any size or color)
Plastic Bags (sandwich & gallon)
White Paper Bags (all sizes but prefer lunchbag)


Popsicle sticks
Clothes pins
Stamp pads
Packing tape
Pack of card stock
Black gorilla tape
Velcro dots (sticky back)
Stickers of all types and sizes
Foam shapes
Pony Beads